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Social Responsibility

Opta is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.

Opta is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).


Accessible Emergency Information

Opta is committed to providing the customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary. 


Opta will provide training to employees, volunteers, and other staff members on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on the Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of employees, volunteers, and other staff members. 


Opta is committed to meeting the customer feedback process accessible by providing accessible formats and communications supports when requested. An Accessible Customer Service Policy is available for public review and a customer service feedback form is available at both the reception desk and the shipping office. 

Information and Communications

Opta is committed to meeting the communications needs of people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs. Opta does not have a public website for customers to access policies or plans. All policies and plans will be made available to the public upon request. 


Opta is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. We will take the steps to notify the public and staff that, when requested, Opta will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes.

Opta has adopted non-discriminatory hiring practices in compliance with all applicable federal and provincial laws, including Employment Standards Act, Ontario Human Rights Code, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Opta has a Return to Work program that includes a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work programs for employees that have been absent due to a disability.

Assistive Devices, Support Persons, and Service Animals

We welcome any person who may require assistance while working at or visiting Opta. 

Referenced Documents

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
  • Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
  • Ontario Human Rights Code, 1990
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act

Opta is committed to conducting business in manners that minimize our environmental footprint and conserve resources.

Opta is committed to conducting business in manners that minimize our environmental footprint and conserve resources. We seek continual improvement in our environmental performance by setting, reviewing, and updating environmental goals.

All employees are responsible and accountable for the successful implementation of this policy.

We are committed to:

Managing operations to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and other requirements, with emphasis on pollution prevention, and minimizing adverse environmental impacts.

Identifying and evaluating potential environmental risks and implementing appropriate measures to eliminate or control those risks.

Developing and implementing measures to ensure sustainable use of materials, resources, and energy.

Developing awareness and leadership with respect to environmental protection among all our employees and persons working for Opta or on our behalf.

Communicating with our employees, customers, suppliers, the communities in which we operate, and public officials with respect to relevant environmental issues.

Conducting independent environmental audits to confirm that our management practices meet policy objectives, legislation, and the principles of sound management.

OPTA Group is especially pleased to join ResponsibleSteel™.

“As members of our communities, Opta Group has always operated in a manner that respects the environment,” says John Dietrich, CEO of Opta Group. “Recently, Opta Group has placed a significant focus on ESG and is excited to be joining ResponsibleSteel as we move towards becoming an integral part of sustainable steel.”

Opta Group is a performance materials company offering a diverse product portfolio to serve a multitude of iron and steelmaking needs. Formed by the union of Opta Minerals, Affival, and now Metcan, Opta Group has become the world leader in iron desulfurization and cored-wire products. The company also provides high-quality slag conditioners, tundish fluxes, ladle sands, and insulators, in addition to other equipment and services its customers require. We develop products in close partnership with our customers, with their specifications in mind. From tap to cast, Opta has become the essential ingredient to steelmaking customers across the globe.

Opta values the Health and Safety of its employees, and believes this to be of primary importance in our operations.

Opta values the Health and Safety of its employees, and believes this to be of primary importance in our operations. It is our highest priority to maintain and exemplify a safe and healthy work environment. It is the responsibility of employees, temporary employees, contractors, and visitors at all levels to provide and achieve a safe and healthy work environment. Each is responsible for conducting their activities in a safe and healthy manner, reporting all sub-standard and or unsafe conditions to their Supervisor or Facility contact.

Supervisors and Managers at each Opta location are responsible for communicating, facilitating, and implementing actions consistent with this policy. The senior manager in charge of each facility has direct responsibility and authority for maintaining compliance with this policy.

By working together collaboratively, and giving the most careful attention to the management of Health and Safety, we will meet our shared objectives of a healthier and safer working environment.

Opta will practice health and safety workplace responsibility by:

Striving to exceed applicable health and safety laws and regulations, and customer standards where practical and feasible.

Ensuring our employees, temporary employees, contractors, and visitors are
aware of, trained, and competent to carry out their safety responsibilities.

Designing, operating, and maintaining our facilities to eliminate and minimize risk.

Improving our operations through employee involvement, continual performance measurement, and initiating appropriate corrective/preventive action where appropriate.

Working safely, encouraging others to do so, and actively participating in health and safety improvement efforts.

Demonstrating our values and commitment to health and safety in our
communications, planning, and business decisions.

Opta recognizes that, as a company, we are responsible for upholding all legal requirements pertaining to employment and team member and candidate welfare.

This policy has been implemented to ensure that the company conducts itself accountably, fairly, and openly.


Our employment and hiring practices ensure that:

  • Wages paid meet applicable country legal requirements.
  • Working hours and other service conditions are designed for better health, environment and social conditions of employees and are in accordance with the prevailing applicable local laws.
  • Employees are free to cancel their work contracts at any time with no financial penalty, subject to giving reasonable notice in accordance with local law.
  • Employees have the right to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly in conformance with local law.

Age and eligibility:

  • In no circumstances will any person below 18 years of age be employed.
  • An employee’s age shall be verified against a government issued identification.
  • Ensure document checks are being conducted for all employees to confirm they are allowed to work according to legal standards in the applicable country. (i.e., US Form I-9 completion)

The following items are strictly prohibited in any capacity within the Company:

  • Child labour.
  • Forced labour and human trafficking.
  • Discrimination of any kind either before hiring, on the job, or upon leaving; including creed, gender, religion, race, colour, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, family status, political opinion, or any other legislated grounds for discrimination in the applicable country.
  • Withholding immigration documents or workers identity.
  • Use of recruiters that do not comply with local labour laws of the country in which the recruiting takes place.
  • Charging employees or potential candidates recruitment fees.


Report any conduct that you believe to be in violation of this policy to the company’s HR department. Employees who fail to report actual or suspected misconduct may be deemed in violation of this policy.

Disciplinary Actions

Opta will not tolerate retaliation against an employee for reporting a concern in good faith or for cooperating with a compliance investigation, even when no evidence is found to substantiate the report.

Any violation of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment for cause.
Any violation of a government policy against any of the above listed items may also result in criminal prosecution of the responsible parties.